Roadmap of SFTPPlus MFT

Release Schedule

Regular minor releases are based on a rolling update development model at intervals varying between 30 and 60 days.

Critical-bugfix releases are made as soon as a defect is fixed, usually one week after it has been initially discovered and reported.

Security issues have top priority and a fix is released in one or two days.

Features planned for the near future

SFTPPlus MFT is under continuous active development, and we continue to add features with each new release.

The following is a list of features planned for following releases as updated on 2021-06-18:

  • Finalize client-side support for pushing and pulling files to Azure Files storage account. [#5016]
  • Add support for backing the server-side account storage using Azure Files storage accounts.
  • Add client-side support for pushing and pulling files to Amazon Web Services S3 buckets. [#5375]
  • Manage SSL certificates from Local Manager. This will add features such as being able to sign or renew a certificate, or configure a service to use a managed certificate. [server-side][#3624]
  • Manage multiple hosts from a single Local Manager GUI. [server-side][#1145]
  • Add built-in support for clustering to support resilient configuration. [server-side][#4702]
  • Add client-side support for pushing and pulling files to Google Cloud Storage buckets.

Bug fixes are prioritized according to severity, including the impact on the production environment or security. The most urgent are worked on continuously until fixed and escalated through the support and development team as necessary.

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